Ok, who is moving the time so quickly. Seems like only yesterday it was Christmas. The year seems to be going so quickly. Many things has been taking place and boy I hope it slows down. My husband is working out near our home now at the local hospital so that is good, he has been getting called in alot this week so is getting tired. But it will be nice if we can get a little ahead since he was off the whole month of December. My daughter finally got a job, started on the 24th of January. She worked full time the week of Jan. 28 to February 2 and then the morning of the 3rd the day care where she works caught on fire. It didn't destroy it but there was a lot of damage and so for the time being she is not working again. My team lost the Super Bowl and Jessica sprained her ankle playing with some kids after the game at church. The wind is blowing outside but it is warmer than it has been of course it is only feeling like 3 degrees, (last few days got to 20 below without wind). All in all, God is in control and I praise Him no matter what is going on. I know His ways are perfect and He will never leave me. Have another LO to share. This one is my wonderful husband, being his usual silly self (gotta love that). I used the kit called
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